Our 2025 Spirit of St. Brigid Winner: Mary Lou Hauber!
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The Honor Court will greet parishioners and hand out Mass programs at the St. Patrick’s Parade Day Mass as they enter parade day Mass. Princesses fill other duties on parade day as needed, but will have prior notice of said activity by a LAOH member. This year we are attempting to coordinate additional activities and opportunities to engage with the public.The Honor Court will either ride on the LAOH parade float or march with the LAOH in the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade and will receive special recognition by the judges along the route!
To be eligible, a person wishing to be selected as a Hibernian Princess shall be the daughter, granddaughter, cousin, or niece of a member of the AOH or LAOH who represents the Louisville Hibernians on parade day. Participants must be age 6-17, and complete an application at the bottom of this page.
The Honor Court represents future generations of LAOH Hibernians, and this is one way to pass on the traditions, culture, and the spirit of the Hibernians. at least six (6) princesses will be chosen from the following categories: age 6-9; 10-13; and 14-17. Participant will be provided a tiara and sash to wear on Parade Day.
Princesses recognition at Parade Day Mass
Hibernian Princess Application
Here is the application. Please read each section carefully. When emailing, include both email addresses on the application.
Thank you!
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